Thursday, September 28, 2006

God "reorganizing" my heart

On my post yesterday I was telling how cleaning out and reorganizing my sink cabinet made me think and pray asking God to see if there was any cleaning out or reorganizing in me He needed to do, and sure enough did He find something. Last night we were putting the girls to bed and I started getting on them about their rooms not being clean and then we tried to go straight to prayer time and it didn't work. John & I started to get into an argument, which I don't like to do in front of the girls. Bethany ended up praying for us and John & I continued to argue in our room. I ended up leaving the our bedroom still frustrated while he was going to go to bed. As I was finishing the dishes, God spoke to my heart. Before that I was convinced that I was right and not liking how John was dealing with the situation. God softly spoke to my heart and showed me that John did have some good points and showed me where I was wrong. Therefore, I went back in and (in tears) apolized to John and told him that I should not have done a power play thing. We talked and I asked him why he saw certain things in me and I realized and confessed that there are certain things I need to work on, like not critizing the girls so much, being easily frustrated, and expecting perfection. A lot of the things that I said I would never do as a mom :). He also admitted that there are things he also needs to work on and things we both need to work on together. I am thankful that God is still working on me.

I am still on this journey and heading to victory, just not all the way there yet.

Until Later, Betty

1 comment:

Betty's Loosing Race said...

You da' bomb, honey. At least we are travelling together. Screwing up is much more fun when someone is around to do it in front of.


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