Monday, January 22, 2007

S.M.A.R.T. Habit Saturday Update

*** Updated at the end ***

Well I’m late again on posting my SMART Habit Saturday update. However, I did have most of it written on Friday. Then my husband switched out our computer that I had my post saved to, then went into a busy weekend and on & on & on… you understand right?

Well without more delay here is my update. This past week I made a goal to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I really thought this was going to be very hard since I don’t like water. It really surprised me that I have drank at least 8 glasses everyday this week. There even were days when I drank more than 8 glasses. I know I can’t believe it either. I had a big container that holds 64 oz. I filled up with ice every morning and kept it on my kitchen counter. As I went through my daily activities I would just go and take a drink. When we would had to go somewhere, Upward, Church, or the store I would take my container with me. Before I knew it the water would be gone. When I would notice that not much of the water was gone I would purposely drink more so I would reach my goal. It worked!!!!

I also continued on cleaning my kitchen sink every night. Because I knew I would have to report on that I kept the sink clean. There were a few nights that hubby took care of the dishes and I’m counting that too – I did over see the job :) lol . Because I have set this goal and want my sink clean when I go to bed I notice I will do as much as I can earlier in the day to help me accomplish my goal. It is working!

I do have to admit that I did not keep up with the sink so much this weekend, but I have caught up and starting again.

For this next week I am going to just keep working on these two habits, because I want to make these a lifetime habit. I need all the help I can get, especially with the water.

I will start a new Habit next week. Thanks Lara for hosting SMART Habit Saturday. Please visit Lara to join in on SMART Habit Saturday or just visit others who are participating.

***Update *** A friend of mine just called me and challenaged me to do some kind of exercise everyday this week. She did not even know about what I am trying to accomplish through SMART Habit Saturdays. Therefore I am going to go ahead and add a new goal this week - exercising at least once a day. I guess I knew I should have added this goal, but I was chicken that I wouldn't accomplish it. But I'm going to take the challenage and go for it. We will see what happens.

Until Later,


Jen said...

I'm so glad you posted about your success with your water habit. I would love to be able to do this and hearing about how easy it was for you makes me inspired to try.

Keep up the great work this week!

An Ordinary Mom said...

Hooray for Betty! I am so glad you were able to start drinking so much water and that it wasn't as painful as you thought it would be :) !! And great job on the sink cleaning, too. LOL at you overseeing your husband. As long as it got done, that is all that matters.

Good luck on the exercise this week - you can do it!

Lara said...

Good to see you Betty, good job keeping up with your habits. Even if you struggled for a couple days you got right back to work. That is the way to do it!

I really love your lists in your sidebar. How fun!

Anonymous said...

Betty you are doing a fantastic job! I had to laugh when I saw that we have the exact same goals so far! I wish I could say I was doing as well as you are with the water, but I am working on it!!! Have a great week!

Amanda said...

Good for you. I was just saying, complaining, that I needed to lay off the ice cream! I like the water idea. I may do it so I will stay off the sweet tea. Thanks for all your prayers. Amanda

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