Monday, February 05, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday #5

It is SMART Habit Saturday time again. If you want to know more about Smart Habit Saturday please visit The Lazy Organizer here.

Week 1 My goal was to clean my kitchen sink nightly. This week with combine help of my husband I have completed this goal.

Week 2 My goal was to drink 64 oz (8 glasses of water) daily. This week I have done this everyday, but one day.

Week 3 My goal this week was to exercise everyday Monday – Friday. This was the hardest for me this week. I had several days that I just did not feel like it and did not want to do it. However, I did meet this goal and exercised everyday. I have started an exercise streak and didn’t want to break it, so I think that helped a lot.

Week 4 My goal this week was to read my Bible everyday. As I worked on this the Lord showed me things about my life, which I am hoping to post about later this week. I did miss one day this week.

Overall I think I did pretty good, but it was not always easy. I am finding that this does keep me accountable to do things I should be doing. Thank you Lara for creating SMART Habit Saturday. Now on to this week:

Since I started SMART Habit Saturday I have choose goals that I want to make a daily task. This week I want to continue working on these goals and form them into a habit. However, I have a one time job that needs to be done. Therefore, this week instead of creating a daily habit I want to work on a one time job that needs done. Currently, I need to go through my girls clothes. I have realized that they have too many clothes. I have some friends that pass on to me their daughter’s clothes when they grow out of them and we are running out of room. I know my girls have clothes in their closet that no longer fits them or they don’t like. I know I am overdue of going through them, but I can’t seem to find the time to do what I need to do. Because these SMART Habits Saturday goals seem to keep me accountable and I try hard to accomplish what I decide to work on I am going to do a one time goal and go through my girls clothes. Hopefully after this week I can get my bedroom back (I have most of the girl’s clothes in piles on my bedroom floor). I will report back next week as to how I did.
If you would like to be apart of SMART Habit Saturday, please visit Lara here.

Until Later


Unknown said...


I am soooo proud of you. You are working hard and soon some of these chores will be habits. Good luck this week on sorting your girls clothes. Have a great week. c-ya tonight.

Andrea said...

I just did the same thing and it was amazing the amount of clothes to give away. It's so nice to get rid of excess, but a big task. Have fun!

Lara said...

I just did this too! This is just one of those jobs that is never done isn't it. I need to find a system that makes it easier to accomplish on an ongoing basis.

Good job with all your habits and have a great week!

An Ordinary Mom said...

You are doing so well! Way to exercise, especially when you didn't want to.

Good luck going through all the clothes. I need to do that, too.

Cheri said...

Remember all the wonderful tips I gave you for organizing your office? Mine now looks like it exploded LOL! My ONE closet is organized - I hope it stays that way!

Keep up the good work on your SMART habits!

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