Monday, October 09, 2006

Menu Plan Monday

I am really enjoying Menu Plan Monday's. I am finding that when I have my meals planned my week goes a lot better - even when unexpected things come up. It is also helping with the grocery bill and helps saves time, because when I plan my menus I plan by what I have I have it the house, therefore I don't have to go to the store as often.

So here is my menu for this week. I am also adding lunch and snack. I have an in home daycare and I find that if I plan their meals and snack along with my personal meals our day goes a lot better.

Lunch/ Snack:

Monday Spagatti/ Blueberry Muffins

Tuesday Turkey Sandwiches/ Peanut butter Bread

Wednesday Breaded Chicken/ Raspberry Muffins

Thursday Ravoli/ Vanilla Wafers

Friday Hot Dogs/ Cherry Cobbler


MONDAY Philly Cheese Steak Casserole

TUESDAY Barbecue Ribs


THURSDAY Hamburger Patties

FRIDAY Filet Steaks


SUNDAY Carry in at church

For more Menu plans visit Laura at Org Junkie.

Until Later, Betty


Betty's Loosing Race said...

I'm trying to get organized thanks to Laura

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks for motivating me to menu plan again. When I did it in the past, I saved money and that would sure help now. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

What a great outstanding totally awesome menu. You rock!!!!!

Laura said...

Great menu Betty! I totally want to start making muffins on a regular basis...thanks for the inspiration! Laura

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the menu planning... I know it helps me with grocery shopping and just that "what to cook" dilemma in the evenings. But, wow, you are so organized to have lunch and snacks and dinner planned. It all sounds so yummy, especially the muffins. With fall around the corner, I'm really getting in a mood to do some baking! :)

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Great menu, I always plan for breakfast and lunch too, makes things a lot easier :)

Amanda said...

I did not get a menu plannied for this week. I am MOPS crazy, 3 meetings in 3 days. All for the greater good. This looks great and I wanted you to know that we had ribs last night as well! Yum!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice comments about my menu. Your looks good too.
Sounds like you are a very busy lady!

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