Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Welcome to Blog World Jenn

Blogging has been so much fun and such a blessing to me lately. I have noticed that I must be talking about it more to the people I see and talk to on a regular basis because my friend Jenn has now enter the blog world and is already hooked after the first day. As much as I love reading and commenting on people’s blog that I don’t know in person, I am excited to be able to blog with someone I do know in person.

I have known Jenn for about 2 ½ years now. Jenn and her husband, Jim, was one of the first people we met when we moved to Georgia. Jenn and Jim are very committed to God, working in the church, their 2 daughters, bringing their neighborhood kids to church, and telling others about Jesus.

Jenn is someone who you can just be real with. She doesn’t judge, criticize, or look down on you. She is one that will just accept you just the way you are and doesn’t try to change you. She is also a very forgiving person. Jenn doesn’t try to be someone she’s not and she will own up to her mistakes.

Jenn is also always ready for a laugh – just ask her if she has a Kroger plus card :). God used Jenn and a situation in her life to show me how He can use my husband’s sense of humor, when so many times it would get on my nerves.

So as you can tell I think a lot of Jenn and now the Blog World gets to meet her and be blessed by her blog. So please go over to her blog,
Lord Lead Me, and say hello & welcome! I love you Jenn and I know the blog world will too.

Until Later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Betty, thank you soooooooooo much! I really needed that today. I am so grateful that God has brought you and the girls (and I guess John too.....just kidding!) into my life! There have been a lot of times when I really didn't know what I would do if you guys hadn't been there. Thanks again, you're the best! Love you!

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