Monday, November 06, 2006

Menu Planning Monday

WOW! What a wonderful weekend I had. I went to a women's retreat on our church's district campgrounds and it was great! I will post about that later, but for now I wanted to post my Menu for this week.


Lunch: Hot Dogs, Broccoli, pineapple

Snack: Cherry Cobbler

Dinner: Beef Filets, Corn, Rolls


Lunch: Lasagna Hamburger Helper, Mixed veggies, Applesauce

Snack: Cheese Bun rolls

Dinner: Slow Cooked Ribs


Lunch: Meatballs, Corn, Apples

Snack: Bagels

Dinner: Breakfast for Dinner


Lunch: Grilled Cheese, peas & carrots, pineapple

Snack: Peanut Butter Bread

Dinner: Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Applesauce


Lunch: Chicken, Green Beans, Mixed Fruit

Snack: Popcorn

Dinner: Roast, mashed potatoes, carrots & onions

If you would like to visit more menu's please visit Laura's site at orgjunkie.

Until Later,



Jenn said...

I sure do wish I had enough time and discipline to blog the way you do! You are so good at it. I'm glad though that I can talk to you about anything. I am glad that God has brought you and John and the girls into my life!

Love you!


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Oh my, what a delicious sounding menu. But, you really got me with the snack for Monday - cherry cobbler. I love and adore that stuff and could probably eat the entire thing all by myself :)

Hope you have a good week, sounds like great meals at your home!

Anonymous said...

betty, i moved the taco casserole to Saturday but i have been looking forward to it all week! i'm sure i'll love it! thanks for stopping by!

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