Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Not Loosing Weight

Do you ever have those times when you know there are things in your life you know you need to work on and do differently, but you just don't seem to do them and you don't seem to be making any changes? I'm there right now!

I have been wanting to loose weight. I have checked out many different diet plans. I have researched and read examples of what others are doing and how things are working for them. I have made committments to myself that I will make it work. I have set realistic goals for myself. I know the health risks for not loosing weight. I don't want to diet, I want to make it a life style change. I have all this head knowledge of how to do it, I just can't seem to do it. Oh, I seem to do it for awhile and trying to be positive and saying this time is going to be different, but my behavior doesn't seem to change. It's like what Paul says in the Bible "I do what I do not want to do." I have the desire to want to change, it's just putting that into action that I'm struggling with.

I'm a little concern with the holidays coming. We are leaving this weekend to go to Ohio for the entire next week and I know my eating patterns with be way off schedule and different than what it is now. Therefore I'm feeling a little blah about it.

A few months ago I started reading Mel at The Amazing Shrinking Mom and have been very impressed reading her story and how she is loosing weight. It has encouraged me many times. I set a goal to loose a certain number of pounds by Thanksgiving and I am not even close to the goal. So I am having a discouraging moment right now.

I am still learning about nutrition, calories, protion size, healthy eating, and exersicing. I still want to loose weight and I will find something that works for me. I am just having a down time with this issue right now.

I'm hoping that just being able to express this on my blog will help me to feel better about the issue and will help me to more on and continue on my weightloss journey. Maybe I will make myself real vulnerable here and put a link on here to keep track of my progress. I will think about that and see how I can do that.

If anyone has been there or are currently feeling the same way, I'm always open for encouragement, suggestions, and ideas. Thanks!

Until Later,


PepsiGirl said...
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PepsiGirl said...

I could so have written this post! I have a head full of knowledge on how to live a healthy lifestyle, but yet I don't follow through. Why?

I know a lot of it is habit. It's just easier to do what I've always done. And for me, that is eating the same way day after day, not really wanting to make the effort to try new things. As my name says, I LOVE pepsi! I wish I didn't, but alas . . .

I don't have any answers, but I do know how you feel!

Anonymous said...

Right there with ya Betty. We can encourage each other in some way. Also, there is a website you can get little sidebar trackers from, I think it's tickerfactory.com. Anyway, maybe if we put our heads together we can do it. I have been down about this as well. I am in the same cycle you are. I have all the knowledge but I never make it work. I know I would feel better if I did. We can help each other. I am praying for you! :)

Angie said...

I will pray for you! I have struggled with my weight for many years and I can tell you that I have never felt better about myself than I do lately. I gave it all to God. I surround myself with friends and family that feel the same way I do. Sure there are temptations and that is ok but move on, tomorrow is a new day!
Good luck this weekend and next week.
Let Go And Let God!

Cheri said...

Oh, hon, I too can relate. I fell off the weight loss wagon this month. Yeah, it's bothering me...

Know what though? When you're on vacation, be aware of what you're putting in your mouth, but don't let yourself get overstressed about it. Maybe even continue that same line of thinking until after the holiday season. Don't go crazy, but allow yourself to concentrate on the true meaning of the holiday season instead of your weight issues. Try to avoid that eat, guilt, eat because of guilt, eat more because of more guilt and shame...

You know what I'm talking about, right? We've all been there...

Praying for your safety on the trip!

Cheri said...

Look - Look! I can post now!

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