Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday 13

Here are 13 reasons why I am ready and excited to make our visit to Ohio!

  1. John's family who I love is there and we all get to visit together.
  2. I get to go shopping with my sister-in-law, my nieces, and my daughters. Instead of sending birthday gifts or money through the mail for the girls we all go shopping together when we are in town for Thanksgiving. My nieces get to pick out a birthday gift that I buy, then my girls pick out their birthday gifts and my sister-in-law buys theirs. This year we get to have lunch togeter too. While the women are doing this John and his brother go bowling and play pool.
  3. My girls will have a chance to visit with their grandmother and I will too. It is usually such a relaxing time to just be at her house and chat and catch up on things.
  4. We will get to visit with John's youngest brother and hopefully go to the resturant that he works at and enjoy the wonderful rolls.
  5. I will get to visit with my friend Pat. Pat & I have a unique relationship. We are so different in so many ways, but when our hearts connect we make ourselves vulnerable and encourage each other in our spiritual journey.
  6. We will get to go to our old church and see people that we love and miss.
  7. We (hopefully) get to have lunch at Pizza Hut with our old Pastor & his wife Kim.
  8. We are going out for Breakfast with John's best friend who lives in Wisconsin
  9. We will go to my hometown of Cambridge and will get together with 2 of my cousin's who I have not seen for awhile
  10. I will get to go to the church that I grew up in and see my old pastor and his wife.
  11. We will have a chance to get away from our current jobs
  12. I won't be responsible for any other children, but my own
  13. I get to travel in our new van with just my family and spend time together talking and sharing our hearts.

We will leave early Saturday morning and won't get back until the following Sunday. I don't know if I will be able to post while I'm gone or not, but will try. I will at least try to visit other blogs and leave some comments.

Until Later,



Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great trip. Be sure and check your email today, I sent you a prayer request! :)

Unknown said...

Have a great trip. We will miss you while you are gone, and we look forward to a revitalized family returning to us.

Thanks for keeping me accountable, I did do my Bible Study a couple of days and not post, but, have not done them the last few days. Hopefully when you come back I will have updated all my blogs and will be back on track.

Have a great trip!
Love You!

Jenn said...

Didn't I tell you that you couldn't leave me? :-) I can't wait for you to get back, and you're not even gone yet! I love you guys! I really do hope you have a great time. Not too good though...... :-)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

hello just a test

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