Thursday, November 09, 2006

Organizational Update

Boy, is organizing my paperwork a bigger job than I expected. I have taken Laura's advice and I got a box to put the papers in that needs to be filed, a trash bag for trash, and a action file box. In some ways it is overwhelming, I didn't realize how much paper I had, but I am determined. I keep telling myself it will be worth it and I just keep at it a little at a time. I did have my desk cleaned off, but as I go through more papers it continues to pile up. Once I go through all my paperwork, then I will develop a system to maintain my paperwork. So I'm still on my way and working towards my goal.

Until Later,


Girl Raised in the South said...

Paperwork - the worst. I truly open the mail over the trash can, toss right away what I dont need, then a pile for bills, one for read, one for file, and one for action. But it's a constant battle to keep it at bay. Good for you for tackling it.

Laura said...

Betty, how are you doing on your room? I just wanted to pop over and offer you some encouragement. A little bit each day goes a long way. Let me know if I can help in any way. Laura

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