Monday, January 08, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

Setting goals, making plans, and making changes to be a better person is very common at this time of the year. I have been thinking about things I want to change and what I want to do differently. I guess the new year brings that out in all of us. It is a NEW Year and it is a chance to start over and to regroup in our lives. I have several goals I have set for this year and things I want to change. Most of my goals are things that I have already been working on, such as organization and weightloss. I really want to accompish my goals and not just set them beacuse it is January of a new year. My plan is to use this blog to help me stay accountable and to accomplish my goals. Therefore, I am working on some changes to this blog. Stay posted for the changes.

Along with the changes I am joining SMART Habit Saturday with Lara @ The Lazy Organizer. I know it said Saturday and this post is late, but it is to good of an idea for me to skip over because I was late. SMART stands for: Saving Money, Associations, Resources and Time. You can visit Lara here for more indepth details of each catagory. Lara is encouraging us to weekly pick one daily habit we want to develop and then post about it. Then we need to link back to her site and visit & encourage others who are also participating. You are welcome to join in if you want.

As I stated my goals this year relate to organization and weightloss so I have had a hard time which one habit to pick. My first step in weightloss would be to drink more water, however I chose to pick organization. I have been reading flylady and like the idea to getting organized by developing routines. Therefore, I want to start implementing some of her ideas. My SMART Habit will be, the 1st step in her program, to keep my kitchen sink shinning & clean. Every night before I go to bed I want to make sure my sink is empty of dishes and the kitchen is clean. I will let you know how I do this week on Saturday (hopefully - Maybe Sunday or Monday - but I will let you know). I'm also going to work on drinking more water, but will consentrate on keeping a clean sink.

Until Later,


An Ordinary Mom said...

I love having a shiny kitchen sink.

Welcome to SMART Saturday ... no big deal that it is not Saturday :) !!

Lara said...

Thanks for joining us Betty!Everyone has posted such great habits that they're working on. I want to steal all of them. Including yours! See you Saturday. Don't worry, I'll write you an excuse if you're late again.

Kristi said...


I "did" flylady about 4 years ago and even though I don't "do" her routine, I learned such valuable principles that I still use today. The kitchen definitely sets the mood for the rest of the house. And the putting out fires in hotspots is a constant part of my regular cleaning routine.

Jen said...

Flylady is great! Good luck with your habit of shining your sink every evening. I really need to get back on track with my routines, too.

When I first started her program (about 6 years ago) it really changed the way I felt about taking care of my house. Unfortunately I've lost some of my momentum and motivation and my house really shows it. I just need to jump right back in and start over again.

Keep us posted on your progress!

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