Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weekend Reflections

Stepped back into reality this week. We are back into the schedule of school, child care hours, and John is back at work. However, the break has been very good. I can sense just in my attitude and mood that I feel refreshed and renewed and ready to get back into my normal life.

Before the holidays I was not overly anxious to fill the 2 openings I had in my child care business. I have considered stop doing child care and finding a job outside the home. However, I can't find a job without applying for one(ha ha) and we need the income so I am continue doing child care and trying to fill my openings (at least for now). There is still a strong nudge in me wanting to stay at home. After having a break I feel uplifted and renewed about my child care business. Therefore, I put a sign out advertising about in home child care and have had several calls about it. This week I have been able to fill one of my openings and had a promising interview for the other. It looks like I might have the last opening filled by next week. I feel good about this right now and believe this is what God wants me to do right now. I was nervous about filling the spots, but I have been praying that God would send the right families that would be a good fit for both them and myself. It has been neat to hear about how God is using the timing of me putting up my sign at a time when those looking for child care need it the most. It has been a reinsurance of God saying He wants me to continue child care for right now.

First day of Upward Baskestball & Cheerleading was today. I posted about it here. I was nervous of how the Cheerleading would go since I'm the adult couch for Jody's squad. It has been awhile since I have been in a leadership role outside of my home & I feel a little rusty. Overall it went good. There are a few things that I wanted to try and will do differently next week. We have spilt the squad into two teams and each one cheers for a seperate game with the option if any of the girls want to cheer to both games they can. I planned on letting Jody cheer for both games, but realized today that is too much for her at one time. The first game she did great. She was cheering, jumping, yelling, and having a good time. She was awarded the Gold star for best spirit. During the second game she was too tired to cheer. Therefore, next week I will not encourage her to cheer for both games. Bethany played basketball and she loved it. She made three baskets for her team. The couch was telling me that Bethany was putting forth a lot of effort and really trying to learn the game. It was a good day!

Also this week I have been working on my different organizational projects and have had a chance to spend time with John and some other friends. It has been a good week.

I like doing these weekend reflections that my blogging friend Judi has created. I hope you enjoy reading these every week. It is a chance for me to record what happened this week and to concentrate on the good things that happen in my life.

Untill Later,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great week! I am so glad you have gotten some direction on the child care business. I have been praying for you! I am so glad the girls are doing well in their activities. It sounds like great fun. I am sending you an email today! :)

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