Saturday, March 10, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday # 10

I am so glad to be participating in SMART Habit Saturday. If you are new to SHS and want to know more information on this please visit Lara The Lazy Organizer here.

As I look around my house and look at my list of goals I am realizing how much of a difference I am making in my home. The dishes and the counter top are cleaned, my laundry is caught up, I have decluttered my girl’s clothes, areas of the house are becoming decluttered and all that feels good. I am really starting to see a difference in things. Not only am I noticing how things are looking I also see how it is affecting my family and they seem to be better at picking up after themselves, or maybe I’m quicker to remind them to put things away, but, whatever, it is working! I am very happy with myself in these areas.

As I am looking at my goals and I see what is working, I also see what is not working. I am still struggling with my exercise and water drinking. This has been a challenge for me. However, I am not going to give up on these goals. I really do want to be healthier and to loose weight. This week I am going to work on these goals. My plan is to walk around our neighborhood once a day this week. The weather here is getting nicer and I can easily walk during the day with my day care kids. Also I am going to decrease my goal amount of water to drink. Instead of 64 oz I am going to try 48 oz. I have a bottle that I keep in the refrigerator and instead of trying to drink 2 of them I am going to try to drink 1 a day. Hopefully that will help me to get back into drinking water. Along with trying to be healthier my new goal this week is to eat more fruits & vegetables and less sugar. I am going to try to stay completely away from sugar this week, except I am going to allow myself to drink sweet tea. I have decreased the amount of sugar I put in my tea. I have already gone to the grocery store and have made my menu plan for next week, so hopefully I have set myself up for success. We shall see. I will let you know how it goes next week.

If you want to join SMART Habits please visit Lara the Lazy Organizer here.

Until Later,


An Ordinary Mom said...

I hope you have a fabulous SMART week. It sounds like most of your habits are coming along very nicely. For the ones that aren't, don't give up. You can do it! We all believe in you.

Michelle said...

I too need to work on exercise more and drinking more water. They are two of my biggest struggles but I know they are worth working on. But by the sounds of it, you're making a lot of progress with your goals and everything else will fall into place at the right time. Keep up the good work!

Girl Raised in the South said...

I always enjoy stopping here to see what youre busy with - love the goal setting going on. I'm so in the mood to tear into this house - declutter! Must be the time of year?

Dedee said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your goals sound fabulous this week. I'll try to keep up with you on the water and exercise. Have a great week!

Cheri said...

Thought I'd pop in and let you know I'm thinking of you today! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

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