Monday, March 05, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday # 9

I am running 2 days behind on everything. But here is my SMART Habit Saturday update.

If you have wanted to set some goals and make some changes in your household and have not yet participated in SMART Habit Saturday now would be the time to get started. I have some great news.

Anyone who participates in SHS for two weeks in a row by the end of March will be entered into a drawing to win Laura’s 5 free Organizing Bags, three large and two small!

Now that would be enough motivation for me to start participating. I would love to have these Organizing Bags. Therefore, if you have been thinking about joining go here for more information and join us.

I have been working hard trying to declutter and organize my house. Things around here are starting to look pretty good. I want to be able to keep my house always looking good. Therefore for Week 9 my new goal is to declutter my house 15 minutes a day.

How I did this past week:
I am noticing I am doing better on my organizational goals than I am on my healthly goals. I still have a lot of work to do to make these goals a habit. However, this is a process & a journey right? So I will continue. Here is how I did:

Week 1 Clean kitchen sink nightly This is still going strongly.

Week 2 Drink 8 glasses of water a day I am not doing well with this habit. I am trying to refocus.

Week 3 Exercise Monday – Friday I have struggled with this also. I am not doing good here.

Week 4 Read my Bible daily I still need to work on this habit. I am reading more than I was, but have not been doing it daily.

Week 5
Sort my girls clothes Completed

Week 6 Organizing tax receipts Completed

Week 7 Continue with same goals Continuing

Week 8 A load of laundry once a day I did pretty well with this goal this week. I have our laundry all caught up and it feels good. Now only if I could be doing this good on my health habits!

If you want to participate please visit The Lazy Organizer here.

Until Later,


Kassie said...

Good job on the habits, and yeah, it's definitely a process. Thank goodness!
Funny how the ones related to health are so much harder to do. I find the same thing happens to me too.

Cheri said...

Betty - the whole thing about SMART isn't necessarily to post, but to work on your won habits to make your life easier. So put away the guilt if you're late posting, or if you don't post at all!

I think you're doing great. If water intake and exercising were easy, Americans might be healthier!

Look at how much easier your house is running - clean sink, laundry caught up, taxes organized, girls rooms organized...

You are so much further ahead than I am right now! Once again, reach around a nd pat yourself on the back!

An Ordinary Mom said...

I ditto Cheri's comment, that was brilliantly said. You are doing wonderfully! Habits are hard to create, especially when it is a lifestyle change. Hang in there, you are probably doing better than you think!

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